SEO Ranking Factors

SEO for law firms and lawyers in Perth can be difficult. Lawyers Perth is a competitive keyword, and every firm wants to get the top organic rankings for this and related keywords that are most relevant to their services. However, not all law firms approach SEO the right way. There are a lot of things that are overlooked – either through a lack of understanding of the intricacies of SEO or through pure laziness – and these can have huge negative impacts on your organic rankings.

SEO Perth provide a few simple actions that can address these overlooked ranking factors, leading to huge boosts in your firm’s organic rankings. With this in mind, I’ve put together a list of a few of the most overlooked SEO ranking factors:

  1. Landing Page Optimisation

Although you may not have realised it, Google actually takes your website’s bounce rate into account. This means that it’s very important to have a high quality landing page which encourages people to hang around and browse further.

Google notices when people leave your site quickly after clicking on an organic search engine result. If people start consistently leaving quickly, your rank will drop. Make sure that every page is relevant to the keywords you’re trying to rank them for, and make sure that they address the questions that people are going to be searching for.

  1. Negative Backlinks

Everyone realises the importance of high quality backlinks for SEO (If you don’t, go and learn it). However, not everyone realises that negative backlinks are also a possibility, and that they can have significant impacts on your ability to rank. Basically, negative backlinks are links to your website from spam or low-credibility sites. They reduce your site’s credibility.

Luckily, it’s actually relatively simple to get rid of negative backlinks. Simple head over to your Google search console home page, click on search traffic and open the ‘links to your site’ tab. Here you will find a list of all the websites linking back to you. You can disavow any low quality or spammy websites if you want, preventing them from hurting your ranking.

  1. Video Use

According to the old saying, ‘A picture is worth 1000 words’. We can extend this further, and say that ‘A video is worth 1000 pictures’. Really, that’s no exaggeration. Google loves videos, and even features them in the search engine results pages.

Make sure that you add good descriptions to your videos. Don’t just mash together a bunch of keywords, or you will be penalised. Write a good description that tells Google what your video is about – it can’t ‘read’ video content on its own.

There are many SEO ranking factors that people ignore, aren’t aware of or simply forget about. Harnessing the power of things like removing negative backlinks, creating high quality landing pages and putting together engaging video content is a great way to improve your law firm’s SEO score.