Unless you have the time, the skills and undoubtedly the patience to build your businesses website on your own it is likely you will need to outsource your web design to someone who has.
There are many ways to do this and often someone you know will tell you they have a friend or relative who ‘builds websites‘. There are a couple of problems of going down this route however. The first is that the term ‘website’ covers such a wide range of possibilities that what will be regarded as a website to one person might only be a simple landing page to another.
The other issue with the ‘someone who knows someone’ scenario is there is often no opportunity to establish a proper business agreement in terms of the required quality, timescale, and fees. If you wish to use people who are recommended to you this way establish that it will be a formal business arrangement and ensure beforehand that they are able to create the sort and size of website you want for your business.